ThatsSoMeana: “I do monthly Charity Campaigns, ending on my monthly Ladies Game Night: Crazy Catlady Caturday. I chose Joyful Heart Foundation for my fellow Survivors, created by Mariska Hargitay from Law & Order: SVU. I just reached my first $1K donation goal last month! I hope to double it next year.
I want to uplift other women and provide a safe place for gaming or just hanging out online. I have many female friends that said they stopped playing online due to all the hate they got.
I plan to go full time in the future, so that I can focus more on these projects.
I love meeting great people on Twitch that help me share the love to everyone I can, especially other women.
I enjoy learning how to help more people and have fun at the same time.
I also support indie games. I give away a game from my Humble Bundle to every person that donates, as well as help promote them. Mega Cat Studios is a great company that I also work with to promote more indie/small devs.
My CommuniKitty is obsessed with cats, boba, cute/creepy games (Little Misfortune), and straight DESTROYING me in games like Bite the Bullet (Classic RPG shooter) where chat can use channel point integration to spawn enemies and heal me.
We’re very supportive, esp. when it comes to supporting other women, and I try to keep it very respectful in my community. I haven’t had to be too strict (yet), but I am learning the struggle of keeping things in line when the shenanigans goes overboard. It’s really like herding cats, sometimes!”
PC- thatssomeana, That’s So Meana