NecroGoddess: “The Asylum is a mature stream where the viewers are free to joke about and make comments well within the no harassment standards. My name is BuxomGoddess, but most call me Bathy, or Beth. The main goals of my stream are to connect with my audience.
I find the up-most joy in making people laugh, so really, that is my only goal. I want to reach people who, like me, have a crude sense of humor and have a carefree mindset when it comes to playing games. I see gaming as a way to relax, and relieve much needed stress that we, as humans, deal with on a daily basis.
Even though, I do occasionally “Rage”, there’s always a laughing moment following after. In my stream, the only thing I am interested in is making connections. I want my followers to feel as if they are my family, because they are. Once you hit that follow button, you are entering my crazy world.
Since I do not own a webcam, I feel like my Social Media accounts are the best way for my followers to keep in touch and really get a feel of who I am as a person.
When you put yourself out there on a streaming platform, you welcome the world of gamers into your life, and that includes a face to put with the voice behind the screen.
I have a lot to learn as a streamer, and i can only grow from my faults, but I love what I’m doing and I hope others love it as well.”