Kolidahl: “Just a guy shooting for full time on twitch. I would love and can’t wait to expand to other games but at the moment I find a lot of fun in and play with friends mainly on fortnite. Eventually I want to start playing Sea of Thieves, maybe give COD: Blackout a try, and really any new game that comes to market that looks interesting. My goals are to reach afiliate by the end of June 2019, partner by January 2020, and be a nice little place people can come to for laughs and someone to talk with them whenever they need.

Viewers can expect a lot of random things to be said in a flailing attempt to be funny, eventually I want to incorporate the color yellow as a big part of my stream because I feel it goes with my name very well, and really just show the viewer that you CAN be good at a game but not great, and even if you aren’t how to still have fun with it

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