kaylachuu: “I’m Kayla, a variety streamer of about a year now on Twitch! I stream Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday at varied times depending on my primary work schedule. Mondays and Tuesdays are for our designated long-play game chosen by the community; right now is Persona 5! Friday we either play Dead by Daylight or do collab streams with other streamers/friends, and on Sunday we spotlight either an upcoming game, a stream sponsored game, or an indie game.
I like to describe both the channel and community as a lot of chill with a little sprinkle of chaos. I love just having the opportunity to get to know new people, play new games, and introduce others to games that they can try! I spent a few years watching streams and found some of my favorite games that way, so I only hope to provide that safe, comfortable space to someone else. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly and incredibly open-minded and welcoming.”
PC – kaylachuu.ttv
Nintendo Switch – SW-1448-1313-1814
PS4 – kaylachuu
Xbox One – kaylachuuu