Catalena6: “I play on PS4 and mostly RPG games, like Tomb Raider, God of War, Assassins Creed Odyssee etc. Shooter aren’t my thing as some people should have noticed since I’m trying out PUBG right now as well.
I play for fun and why not let people take part in it. I like to see my channel as a small family. Everybody is welcome to get to know me and maybe get to know other people.
I’m a really emphatically person and sometimes I get lost in games, that’s part of the reason I’m not so talkative from time to time. >.< But I really love to get to know people and if you need an advice or just want to get something of your chest your welcome in my small world of twitch.
I don’t have a firm goal with my stream, I want to see where it’ll take me. I just hope people have fun watching. I started streaming in August and I haven’t thougt that I would get so hooked but I fell in love with streaming and the connection you can build with your viewers.
I hope someday there will be a big community around my channel but we’ll see what the future brings.
I don’t have sponsors yet but maybe someone would like to support me and give me a chance to grow and support them.”